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Our mission



Mental health



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Who we are

UA Kids Together is a charity focused on providing education and mental health support to refugee children who were affected by the war in Ukraine.


The charity organises summer camps for children where they can seek mental health support through daily lessons with the psychological team as well as study English with fluent speakers to improve their speaking abilities.


A large part of the programme also focuses on building a community from within - this allows the children to feel more comfortable and “at home” since they have all gone through a similar experience.


Donate please to UA KIDS TOGETHER!



Збір коштів для благодійного дитячого табору для українських діток на території Республіки Польща.

Головною метою збору коштів - є організація благодійного дитячого літнього табору для українських діток, ціллю якого є підтримка психічного здоров’я дітей, які постраждали від наслідків війни, та допомога їм у адаптації до нових умов та реалій життя.  

Необхідна сума: 50 000 євро (або 2 175 500 грн./по курсу НБУ).

Орієнтовні терміни збору коштів: до 20 липня 2024 року.

Якщо, з незалежних від нас причин, проект не буде реалізований повністю, або ми зберемо більше необхідного: кошти підуть на основний рахунок нашої благодійної організації для фінансування наступних  проектів  (додатковий табір, інші майбутні проекти).

Благодійник дає згоду, що сумма пожертвування не підлягає поверненню, а буде направлена на наступні проекти нашого фонду.

Letter from founders:

" When the war began we were all in utter disbelief and for some time at a loss of actions. However, we were also lucky, having been educated in the UK and having a home away from home allowed us to get the necessary support. Unfortunately, this is not the case for most people and children are a severely affected demographic even though they have nothing to do with the horrible conflict.

Being a part of the Ukrainian youth we knew we had to do something to help - the idea of hosting summer camps was born. One of us has a background in mental health which is why this is one of our key components. As a child it is often difficult to identify and understand the emotions which you are going through and express them in a healthy manner. Unfortunately, mental health is only recently gaining traction in Ukraine, thus parents are often uneducated in this respect and psychologists are not readily available. As well as that, having gone through school in Ukraine, both of us know how difficult it is to master the English language without having sufficient exposure to native speakers. Having then moved to the UK we also know how important the English language is and how many doors it opens in life.

From here we knew our main goals - to provide psychological support and the much needed English practice. Lastly, we also know how important community is. Just imagine being moved to a completely different place with no friends in an instant - a kids worst nightmare. Here in London we are lucky, the Ukrainian community is very large and we all know each other for years. This identified our last pillar, to help these kids meet and build a community in their new country of residence."

- Veronika and Sofia

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