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About the camp

     Our camp translates our pillars into action through art therapy, English lessons as well as various team building activities. Our team of psychologists has created a tailored art therapy programme which allows our kids to express their feelings through various mediums both verbal and non-verbal. In our experience this has proven to be most effective since the children to not feel pressured to share but rather get to the desire by themselves. Our team of English volunteers from various UK based institutions conduct lessons with the children - largely in spoken form which allows the children to practice without feeling like they are in a classroom.


     Lastly, we spend a lot of time in team building exercises which build on the other components to make the children more comfortable between themselves as well as with the adults in the camp - we create a community. This cause is very important for us personally which is why we are very happy to keep in touch with any of the children which have stayed with us and see them through the years. This allows us to see them grow through the camp as well as later on, form friendships which last through the years and form the Ukrainian youth which we all strive for.

Camp program:

  • team building

  • learning English

  • sports activities

  • work with a psychologist

Type of recreation: Language and sportsth camp
Address of the institution: Slovenia, the city of Murska Sobota
Length of stay:Summer of 2023

Application for participation

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